
EHR hardware: what you need to know

Ease of access, legibility, and accuracy are all key factors when you’re maintaining important business records. They’re even more important when it comes to the tracking of medical patients’ information. And thanks EHR, you no longer need to shuffle through reams of paper files, attempt to decipher doctors’ messy handwriting, or wonder if the data […]

5 essential uses for iPads at your SMB

Ten years ago, who would have guessed we could run an entire business from a computer the size of a short stack of papers? One example is Apple’s iPad, which doesn’t just unleash your personal productivity, but also holds the key to innumerable creative solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses.

Set your ransomed files free, for free

Similar to the shakedowns you see in mob movies where innocent shop owners are forced to pay “protection money,” deploying ransomware is a means of extortion. Computer hackers install it on your network to seize control of your company’s precious confidential data, then demand payment for its safe return.

Find the mail you want in Gmail

Searching desperately for an email in the hour of need is something we all want to avoid, yet most of us are familiar with the situation. But the process doesn’t have to be a headache if you ditch the basic search box in Gmail and start using its search operators.

8 hidden upgraded Firefox functions

Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. This means that web browsers that can house multiple windows just don’t cut it anymore; the ideal candidate makes the most out of your precious time instead of wasting […]

5 tips for cashing in on tech trends

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling auspices of the tech world may seem […]

Salesforce-Outlook add-on announced

A good business owner needs to occasionally put themselves into their employee’s shoes to get a better picture. Imagine you are a sales representative, most of your working time is split between email inbox and CRM software. All that jumping around between the two is going to become very problematic.

Amazon Web Services’ simpler data migration

If your business has decided to make the move to virtualized servers and databases, there are countless variables you need to plan for during the migration process. In an effort to make the whole affair as painless as possible for SMBs, Amazon Web Services has created a tool to make migrations faster, cheaper and simpler […]

Do you speak “Data”?

One of your business’s most valuable assets is data, and ensuring its safety should be a top priority for your IT department. But what of the fact that there are so many different types of data nowadays? It seems like every few months there’s a new buzzword for the latest flavor, so it’s important that […]