3 Reminders for HIPAA compliance in 2017

Although totally necessary, data privacy regulations are often a gigantic headache. And king among the various compliance standards is HIPAA. Despite the legislation’s enactment back in 2003, the rules governing electronic medical records and protected health information continue to change and evolve every year.

Five helpful hi-tech healthcare integrations

Since the dawn of modern medicine, technological advances have been giving doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators better and better tools for treating the unwell since the dawn of modern medicine. This includes everything from the stethoscope to vaccinations to x-rays to present day integrated healthcare technologies.

Old malware still poses a serious risk to EMRs

Since 2011, the trojan Stegoloader has infected machines all over the U.S. with malware disguising itself as a pirated product key generator. Once deployed, the trojan steals electronic medical records and attacks system vulnerabilities. Although the healthcare industry has been the primary target, other businesses are not invulnerable.

The revolutionary power of AI in healthcare

Technology is constantly changing and evolving. And while many of these changes are designed to add convenience to people’s lives, there is a chance that some technological advances can do much more. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a form of technology that may have the potential to do real good for humankind through applications in the […]

Record $5.5 million HIPAA penalty doled out

The tech industry is littered with buzzwords: overused jargon generally meant to inspire feelings of hope and accomplishment. Not all have positive connotations however, and data compliance is one of those spooky buzzwords that many small- and medium-sized businesses have scant specific knowledge about.

EHR hardware: what you need to know

Ease of access, legibility, and accuracy are all key factors when you’re maintaining important business records. They’re even more important when it comes to the tracking of medical patients’ information. And thanks EHR, you no longer need to shuffle through reams of paper files, attempt to decipher doctors’ messy handwriting, or wonder if the data […]

How hi-tech can healthcare get?

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google and Apple are essentially cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. Similarly, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marvelling about how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality.

Apple HealthKit: what’s in it for you?

Managing and monitoring medical data is incredibly complex, especially for the layman who won’t be able to understand the terminology. With the iOS 10 update rapidly approaching, both consumers and healthcare industries will have something to be excited about – the Apple HealthKit.

Learn from this NFL team’s EMR fumble

News broke recently that the Washington Redskins reported a laptop stolen that contained thousands of medical records for NFL players. The trainer who was responsible for the laptop claims that it did not contain any HIPAA protected data, but the impact remains largely the same.